Category: Costs

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Litigation Funding in England & Wales (Legal Services Board Report)

A litigation funding report for the Legal Services Board evaluates UK litigation funding. It finds such funding can improve access to justice, facilitate consumer interest cases, and support a healthy legal market. However, it identifies the problems of highly limited, highly selective funding, potential cost tensions, and the need for robust AML controls.

Barristers Solicitors Court Litigation UK Unfair Contract Terms

Glaser KC v Atay: Consumer Rights over Unfair Terms in Direct Access Counsel Contracts

The ruling in Glaser KC & Miller v Atay [2023] EWHC 2539 (KB) affects individuals who have instructed direct access barristers and had to pay fixed fees even if a trial did not go ahead. The judge’s verdict rendered this inherently unfair term effectively null and void with no quantum meruit fallback.

Using Unless Orders to force payment of Unpaid Costs Orders

Unless Orders are judicial directives that can force a non-compliant party to comply with a previous court order. Specifically, in the context of outstanding costs orders, Unless Orders can help ensure financial obligations are paid out.

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Recovering the Costs of Civil Litigation

Deputy Costs Judge Joseph in the case of Coram v D R Dunthorn & Son Ltd [2023] EWHC 731 (SCCO) affirmed that the costs of instructing leading counsel for a three-day trial were not recoverable as they were deemed unreasonable and disproportionate for a case with a maximum value of £115,000 (settled for £75,000).

Indemnity Costs in Litigation

Indemnity Costs in Litigation

An award of indemnity costs might give a party in a lawsuit a major advantage, due to the fact that the paying party will be responsible for the legal expenses and the proportionality criterion will not be applied. Since costs on the standard basis are the norm, the indemnity costs principle (included in Civil Procedure Rules 44.3(3)) can be considered punitive in nature.

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Recovering Unfair and Unreasonable Solicitor Fees

If you have been charged a very high fee by a solicitor you are able to challenge the fairness and reasonableness utilising the Solicitors Act 1974. However delay in taking action could reduce or eliminate prospects of recovery. If the sum involved is high value, we and counsel could (after a paid review) act on a no win no fee basis where we are only paid if we succeed.

maxim moskalev wins UK legal case Moskalev v Yanishevskiy (BR-2020-000554) Solicitors London

Client Case Study: Moskalev wins against Yanishevskiy for improper Statutory Demand

The Respondent to an application to set aside a statutory demand must bear the costs of the application, even if they withdrew the demand shortly after the application was filed.

Litigation Lawyers in London High Court

County Court Judgments and Enforcement after COVID-19

Following lifting of government lockdowns during the pandemic, enforcement action including bailiffs attending properties can now resume. There may also be changes to debt recovery legislation which protective measures were brought in during the pandemic to prevent aggressive debt recovery action from debtors affected by coronavirus. If you have received a county court judgment against you or your company, get in touch with our litigation team as soon as possible.

Court refuses to amend developers’ £1.5 million cost budget

The High Court has refused permission for two property developers to amend their initial agreed cost budget of approximately £1.5 million after an attempt to request almost double the sums allowed.