Tag: Tax

Post Office Scandal Mr Bates LEXLAW Tax Disputes HMRC Solicitors Appeal

British Post Office Horizon IT Scandal: HMRC’s ancillary attack on UK Postmasters

HMRC have been using Horizon Data to raise tax assessments and tax penalties against innocent sub-postmasters. In one such case only after a six year battle when HMRC faced paying costs did they decide to withdraw their tax demands. Even now they refuse to recognise their misconduct should be punished by them paying indemnity costs and have threatened the sub-postmaster victim with a costs order simply for daring to ask for his full costs.

"Defending HMRC Security Notice of Requirement"

Defending a HMRC Security Notice of Requirement

A HMRC Security Notice is a formal notice issued by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to an individual or business requiring them to provide security for certain future tax liabilities. It is a tool used by HMRC where they believe there is a risk of tax loss.