Author: Sivakumaran Sivathillainathan

business interruption insurance claim solicitors

High Court rules COVID-19 self-isolation counts as force majeure not breach of contract

In Dwyer (UK) Franchising Ltd v. Fredbar Ltd & Bartlett [2021] EWHC 1218 (Ch), the High Court ruled that self-isolating due to coronavirus (COVID-19) counted as ‘force majeure’,…

conveyancer solicitor professional negligence

Court of Appeal holds negligent surveyor liable for house’s full diminution of value

In Large v. Hart, the Court of Appeal held a negligent surveyor liable for a house’s full diminution of value as a result of his failure to draw the purchasers’ attention to the property’s defects prior to completion.

business interruption insurance claim solicitors

Business Interruption Insurance: Proving Presence of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Does your insurance policy provide coverage for business interruption as a result of the pandemic? The quickest way to find out is to send our Business Interruption Insurance solicitors your policy and book an advice meeting with our Solicitors and Barristers.

Supreme court london westminster law judges judgment thames old facade building lady hale uk

Business Interruption Insurance: Supreme Court judgment means relief for COVID-hit businesses

Business interruption insurance covers businesses for loss of income during periods when the business cannot trade as usual due to an unexpected event. If you are a policyholder and your insurer is refusing to paying out for a business interruption claim related to the coronavirus pandemic, seek legal advice immediately as you may have a litigation claim to seek financial redress.

corona litigation solicitor london breach of contract lexlaw

How will coronavirus (COVID-19) affect commercial contracts?

The global and unprecedented ramifications of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have exposed many businesses to legal complications and difficulties with their commercial contacts. How will coronavirus affect the…

Libor Fraud UK Litigation Solicitors

LIBOR fraud arguable in swaps mis-selling claims; Resetting the 6-year contractual limitation clock

The High Court ruled that fraud allegations against RBS concerning LIBOR manipulation in a derivatives mis-selling claim were “properly arguable,” affecting SMEs sold IRHPs by major banks. LIBOR, a crucial interest rate benchmark, had been rigged by banks including RBS, resulting in hefty fines. RBS admitted misconduct in its LIBOR submissions. Property Alliance Group’s (PAG) case against RBS may set a precedent for extending time limits on claims, emphasizing the importance of seeking legal advice on mis-selling claims affected by LIBOR fraud.